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FSX/Accel/P3D Ocean liner SS Canberra

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About This File

FSX/Accel/P3D Ocean liner SS Canberra. This vessel with its ultra modern design was during her maiden voyage the most powerful passenger ship, equipped with steam turbines and electrical transmission. She served as ocean liner between Great Britain and Australia from 1961-1972. After a modernisation she served as a cruise ship from 1974-1997. During the Falkland War (1982) Canberra was used as troop vessel. The package comes with all three different models. The pilotable versions have a 2D panel and a realistic virtual navigation bridge. Twenty six cameras allow you to explore the huge passenger ship. The files for pilotable vessels with the camera views and the virtual navigation bridge are made by Erwin Welker. The original AI models are made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his classic AI fleet traffic package "FSX/P3D Global Classic AI Ship Traffic V1".


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