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X-Plane 11 Scenery--San Miguel Island Airstrip California 1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 11 Scenery--San Miguel Island Airstrip California 1.0. This scenery package contains San Miguel Island Airstrip and custom ortho-overlay (ZL19). San Miguel Island Airstrip is a small airstrip on the northwestern most island of the Channel Islands in southern California (CA), USA. It's located approximately 25 nm off the coast. If Catalina is too crowded, go here and you will most certainly have your peace. Nothing much here. This scenery requires the following object libraries: RA Library 1.2+ (RA_LIBRARY.ZIP) and RuScenery (RUSCENERY.ZIP). Please see the included documentation for further details (including how to install). Uploaded to FlightSim.Com by Wookie042.

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