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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Wurtz Airport MT17 Montana 1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 11 Scenery--Wurtz Airport MT17 Montana 1.0. This scenery package contains Wurtz Airport (MT17) and custom ortho overlay (ZL19). Wurtz Airport is an airstrip in the beautiful Flathead River Valley only 5nm from the Canadian border. Make a stop over here on your way into BC or when you fly around the Glacier National Park to venture into Montana's most stunning wilderness! However, you don't have to go far to get an adventure. In close proximity to the airstrip, you'll find three gravel bars that are waiting for your tundra tires. It's not shown on the sectionals and some confusion regarding its code seems to exist. MT17 is X-Planes native designator for it. This scenery requires the following object libraries: PuF Libs (PUF_LIBS_1_0_1.ZIP), RA Library 1.2+ (RA_LIBRARY.ZIP), The Handy Object Library (THE_HANDY_OBJECTS_LIBRARY.ZIP), RD_Library (RD_LIBRARY.ZIP), and the MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP). Please see the included documentation for further details (including how to install). Uploaded to FlightSim.Com by Wookie042.

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