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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Chickville Airport NH18 New Hampshire 1.1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 11 Scenery--Chickville Airport NH18 New Hampshire 1.1.0. This scenery package contains Chickville Airport (NH18) and a customized ortho overlay (zl19). Chickville is a small private airstrip approx. 30 nm south of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire (NH), USA. A small and low-key stopover possibility exploring the Mt. Washington area. This scenery requires the following object libraries: FlyAgi (FLYAGI_VEGETATION.ZIP), JB Library (JB_LIBRARY.ZIP), MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP) and the RA Library 1.2+ (RA_LIBRARY.ZIP). Please see the included documentation for further details (including how to install). Uploaded to FlightSim.Com by Wookie042.

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