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X-Plane 11 Scenery--GE99 Heaven's Landing Airport 2.2

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--GE99 Heaven's Landing Airport 2.2. This private airport is located amongst X-Plane 11's most gorgeous mountain scenery in northern Georgia (GA), USA. If you wish to make an interesting clear weather Appalachian Mountains flight, depart KFTY which can be found here: kfty_fulton_co_arpt_brown_fld_ga.zip and fly into GE99, which in real life is a private airport/resort with unique hangar complexes having apartment suites above. Limit your cruise altitude to 5500 ft. AGL. Lots of water will be viewed soon after departing FTY. As you’re approaching GE33, starting at 10 NM out, keep looking out to your left for a large waterfall. This build contains all X-Plane stock objects, and as such, no third party libraries are required. By Bruce Erwin.

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