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X-Plane 11 Scenery--CBQ8 Woodcock 1.1

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--CBQ8 Woodcock 1.1. Woodcock, Skeena River Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Woodcock is a former RCAF detachment of Smithers BC, constructed in the 1940s, located in the Skeena River Valley right next to the river. After the war it saw brief use as an emergency field but was soon taken over by the Terrace skydiving club. This club moved to Beaverly in 2004 and the Woodcock airfield continued fast deterioration. The runway has cracked and numerous trees grow from the pavement. In 2019 the British Columbia General Aviation society gathered a few folks to clean up a part of the runway so light general aviation traffic could continue using the strip. The part of the runway BCGA cleared is give or take the first third of runway 20, close to the centerline. This is a farily simple rendition of the strip. A quick try at capturing the current state of the airfield. If using Ortho4XP, ARC source is recommended for this field. Please see the included documentation for further details and library requirements. Version 1.1: removed runway threshold lighting and added some farm buildings. By Nils Lips.

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