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FSX/Accel Pilotable Battlecruiser HMS Hood

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FSX/Accel Pilotable Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Laid down in 1916, commissioned in 1920, she remained the largest and most powerful warship in the world for twenty years and was the pride of the Royal Navy. Together with the modern battleship Prince of Wales she was sent in May 1941 to intercept Germany's new battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. In the battle of Denmark Strait Hood got an deadly hit, exploded and sank within few minutes and lost her whole crew except three men. This add-on contains two pilotable versions; one in the common Navy grey and the other in fictional camo regarding the RN camo style of 1942/43. Now you can explore this huge warship by toggling through thirty one cameras showing hundreds of realistic details including a virtual nav-bridge. Effects are seperately configured for port and starboard. The AI vessel is converted from Sketchup to native FSX by Klaus Novak and belongs to his WWII Royal Navy fleet at SOH. Repaint in camo, 2D-panel, configurations and files for pilotable vessel by Erwin Welker.


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