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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Chachoan Airport/Ambato (SEAM) Ecuador 1.0.1

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Chachoan Airport/Ambato (SEAM) Ecuador 1.0.1. Chachoan is the airport that serves Ambato, the capital of the Tungurahua Province, Ecuador. This is a high altitude airport located in the Andes mountains, 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) northeast of Ambato. Its runway is 1,920 meters long (6,299 ft) and made of asphalt. This airport is surrounded by mountains and the Ambato river canyon. Though this is an Ecuadorian Air Force Base, it is also used for civilian flights. No airlines fly to this airport, but occasionally you get some private aircraft or military planes flying here. IFR flights to and from this airport can be flown as the Ambato VOR (AMV) and the Ambato NDB (AMB) are located nearby. Please see the Readme.txt file for more information including library requirements. By Sandro Rota - Ecuador Aviation Photography.

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