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FSX/FSX-SE Scenery For X10-Belle Glade State Muni Airport

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FSX/FSX-SE Scenery For X10-Belle Glade State Muni Airport. Belle Glade State Muni Airport (X10) is located in southeast Florida (FL), USA and is a publicly owned, public use facility established in April, 1940. X10 features a 3455 x 50 ft lighted asphalt runway . The airport has multiple lighted wind indicators. The airport is home to 5 single engine aircraft. As the airport appears to be crop duster associated, I have included an AI Piper Pawnee file to be placed in the FSX/FSX-SE SimObjects/Airplanes folder and a Traffic_X10Duster_FSX.bgl file to be placed in the Scenery/World/Scenery folder if you would like some duster activity on X10. This version came about as an attempt to provide a more accurate version of the airport and the surrounding area using the stock FSX scenery with no add-ons. The project uses all freely available libraries and is an approximate representation of the airport. By Frederick Zealor.

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