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MSFS G36 Project v0.4

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MSFS G36 Project. This is the improvement project for the MSFS default Beechcraft G36 Bonanza. At this moment, the modificatiom mainly focuses on flight performance fixes. This was made possible with the help of the community consisting of both enthousiasts and G/A36 (ex-)pilots. By TheFrett.

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I did not see any improvement, it still flies like a brick ? Stalls too easy and control is terrible like the original. I checked my installation and it seems fine, not sure why I did not see an improvement, I do not fly this aircraft because of the lack of control, I was hoping this would fix it. Please let me know if I could have messed something up.
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Hi I would like to clear up my bit of a rant about the G36, apparently it's flight dynamics are very accurate, I spoke to a mate this morning in Australia that has been trained to fly various Beechcraft and he said they did have some things that had to be taught well in the pitch axis, I guess I will have to practice more touch and goes until I get comfortable with it's handling. I must confess to being a bit frustrated with MSFS, although I think it is such a huge jump in Flight Simulation, I can not figure simple things out like changing aircraft, you could change aircraft mid flight in FSX but MSFS I can only do it through going back to the main menu ? I am sure with the feedback things will get better and that patches will sort a lot of stuff out.
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