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FS2004 Scenery--Gang Ranch CAY2 in British Columbia Canada

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FS2004 Scenery--Gang Ranch CAY2 in British Columbia Canada. Gang Ranch is both a real and very large ranch, and also a holiday operation. It is on the eastern side of the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, around 50 miles west of Green Lake and 5 miles west of the Fraser River that runs north-south at that latitude (51 degrees 30 minutes north, in round figures). The airfield is among some farm fields and difficult to spot (this will depend on your personal textures and settings) and the ranch buildings are scattered and a mile or two away, the nearest being the owner's house. The runway is gravel, only 1,800 feet long and aligned 08-26 at 2,150 feet above sea level. There is no lighting. I have posted it as Gang Ranch CAY2, but I suggest that you just add it to your previously created "BC airfields" and avoid the inevitable doubling up of common textures etc. Plus that way you will have just one FS2004 library post to do and new airfields will not need yet another posting. Up to you. There is no video of this airstrip on YouTube. If you find a defect, email me. By Roger Wensley.

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