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Prepar3D Grumman AA-5 B Tiger G-BBCZ RW01

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About This File

Prepar3D Grumman AA-5 B Tiger G-BBCZ RW01. P3D 4.5 version of a Grumman AA-5B Tiger, G-BBCZ. This is repaint #01 in my Real World series of repaints for the Grumman AA5B by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. This package, includes the Turbine Sound Studios Cessna 172 Lycoming O-360 freeware sound pack. I originally made this repaint in 2009 and have made it fully compatible with version 4.5 of Prepar3D by Lockheed Martin. Requires the additional file by Tim Conrad AA5B_FSX.ZIP. By John O'Leary.

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