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FSX Scenery--Maniitsoq Airport (BGMQ) And City

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About This File

FSX Scenery--Maniitsoq Airport (BGMQ) And City. This is an update of Maniitsoq Airport and city for Flightsim Greenland team's Qeqqata X scenery. Despite great work The Team did, they did not model much of Maniitsoq Airport BGMQ nor the city. So in this file You will find a small update for that area. Most of libraries come from Flightsim Greenland Qeqqata X scenery, however, to fully enjoy the update, there are few libraries You need to install (all included in the archive). You need to have Qeqqata X freeware scenery in order to make this airport work. By Andrzej Glowacki.

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