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Prepar3D v4 VARIG Boeing 747-400 GE

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About This File

Prepar3D v4 VARIG Boeing 747-400 GE. VARIG B747-400GE, registration PP-PVH, 1993 to 1994 operations, painstakingly created on the payware PMDG B744 QOTSII v3 for P3Dv4 simulation. This artwork is created with tremendous attention to details such as color codes and fonts, seals, stencils and flags, bringing true authenticity and fidelity to the P3D sim community. A very special thanks to Samuel Aroca for his fantastic eye for details and historical facts about VARIG, and to Brian Thibodeaux for his incredible bare metal work and weathering effects portrayed on this artwork. By Luca Collina.

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