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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Salt Lake City International Airport

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Salt Lake City International Airport, Utah (UT), USA. Salt Lake City International Airport is a civil-military airport located about 4 miles west of downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United States. This huge build with its two 12,000 foot runways and one 9800 foot runway is by far the most extensive airport I've attempted, well beyond the PANC/PALH complex built more than a year ago. It has an enormous amount of taxi line markings and surface signs. I've included AI fuelling throughout the many startup points--if you get a kick out of that sort of thing. This scenery uses all stock Laminar objects and as such, no third party libraries are required. The original file had some taxiway to runway connection problems discovered by Laminar (this version resolves the issue). By Bruce Erwin.

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