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X-Plane 10 And 11 Scenery--28AK Gates Ranch 1.0

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X-Plane 10 And 11 Scenery--28AK Gates Ranch 1.0, AK, USA. 28AK Gates Ranch over looks the Matanuska Glacier at Glacier View in Alaska. When I was flight training, this is one of the strips I learned on. At that time it was called 28AK Farrars. I had an exciting experience taking off from this strip that I tried to recreate here. Was landing and taking off on 24 in a 1962 C172 Skyhawk with the 0-300 145 HP Continental. The strip has a slight up hill incline. One of the times taking off while practising soft field take-off, I could feel the plane was lite on the wheels about to get airborne, but the incline was holding it back. As I was approaching the road to the house, I saw a moose about to cross in front of me. I yelled MOOSE!!! There was no way that I could stop in time, so I pulled back on the yoke and lifted off. I didn't want to go into a stall, so when I thought I was just high enough to clear the moose, I leveled out to stay in ground effect till my speed was up and started climbing out. My instructor never saw it because of the nose high attitude for soft field take-off. We circled around and saw the moose was safely on the other side eating some willow. We landed and took off one more time before we headed back to King Ranch. For this simulation, I used the Carenado 172, since the panel is very close to the one I flew and I reduced the HP to 145. Otherwise it will lift off to soon. It's just a matter of timing that the two of you will be at the right spot to reenact the scenario. Alaska and the Yukon have the largest moose in the world. Twice the size of Maine’s. The rack has to be 50†or bigger to be able to shoot it. They stand quite tall and is an obstacle you want to avoid. This scenery requires the following object libraries to display correctly: 3D People Library (3D_PEOPLE_LIBRARY.ZIP), CDB library (CDB_LIBRARY.ZIP), The Handy Object Library (THE_HANDY_OBJECTS_LIBRARY.ZIP), JB Library (JB_LIBRARY.ZIP), OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP), MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP), PM Object Library (PM_LIBRARY.ZIP), PuF Libs (PUF_LIBS_1_0_1.ZIP), and the RD_Library (RD_LIBRARY.ZIP). By David Flamm.

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Nice bush challenge! However, I decided to make it a bit easier on myself by pushing the tree line away from the strip. The way it was I ripped off too many virtual wing tips. I'm just wondering, are the trees really this close to the airstrip in real life? It seems to be an unnecessary challenge to allow tall trees this close to the airstrip.
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