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FSX Default Baron, Carenado Baron and C-182RG Handling Fixes

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About This File

FSX Default Baron, Carenado Baron and C-182RG Handling Fixes. Contains handling improvements for the FSX default Beechcraft Baron, the Carenado Baron 58, and the Carenado Cessna 182RG for FSX. These are the aircraft.cfg and .air files only, which you must place into the respective aircraft folder in the sim. Be sure to back up your aircraft.cfg for each aircraft before installing these files. Depending on your specific installation, you may also have to make a change in the texture(s) that the aircraft.cfg points to. These files will improve the handling of each of the respective aircraft, so do not expect performance figures to match real world, just expect improved handling. The files were developed by my flying buddy and longtime friend Mike Keller, who recently passed away. Read the enclosed Readme.txt file for more information. By Larry N.

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