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FS2004 Scenery--Pensacola Heliports

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FS2004 Scenery--Pensacola Heliports, Florida (FL), USA. There aren't enough helicopters in the FS world for me, so I've added some to the Pensacola area. It's a little lonely out here, too, so I've added some more traffic to keep me company. Pensacola Reg'l Heliport now has three helipads (two for AI use). Ferguson Heliport has two helipads (one for AI use). Pensacola NAS Heliport now has three 600 foot STOL runways (two for AI use), and lighting for night operations. Create a flight at any of the Pensacola, Florida area heliports; there is a start position on the empty helipad at all three. All the traffic patterns begin at 1:05 pm local time. Radio frequencies for the heliports have been coordinated with their respective airport towers. By Donald S. McComb.

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