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X-Plane 11.35+ Fairchild Packet C-119 Flying Boxcar 1.3

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X-Plane 11.35+ Fairchild Packet C-119 Flying Boxcar 1.3. This is the first C119 flying for the Belgian Air Force. My father flew it in October 1952 from ONBR, which was the military base of the 15th Wing in Melsbroek, outside Brussels. My first version of the aircraft was made in 1999 for X-Plane 5.5 and it was given to Austin Meyer who included it to the download. Then I started flying real aircraft until recently, when I brushed up the old C-119 from my father. He flew the aircraft many places in Europe and also to what was the Belgian Congo, to the military base of Kamina. They flew over Africa, at night, using a bubble sextant to find their position on three stars. Then a driftmeter was also used to find the wind component of their course. This X-Plane 11 model is made from the C-119 user manual that I have, as scanned by the Brussels air force museum of Le Cinquantenaire. Most of the instruments are true copies but, in some places, I had to adapt it to a modern simulator. Start-up switches are on the overhead panel. Note that the aircraft can reverse the pitch of the propeller. This is marked as the red area of the throttles. In real life, you have to lift the handles to reverse and pull them down. In the simulator, with your joystick throttle, you can only go to idle - no pitch. To reverse it, you will need to pull down the handles with the mouse, on the screen. You can pull one handle at the time, or both if the mouse is half-way between them. Note: due to the hardware limitation, the throttle handle works like this: from your joystick, from idle to 99 percent of maximum power. To simulate water injection, switch it on and the handle will go to 100 percent. Please help me to improve the aircraft. Any comment would be very welcome (contact details included). PS: the lady on the dashboard is my mother. My father always had her photo on his long distance flights. Version 1.3 is a try to fix the autopilot. Ken Fallon made the USAF liveries. Thanks to Ralph Wigzell, my test pilot, Jean-Pierre for the general support and Troopie for the driftmeter. Click the instrument to open its window. Read the Read_me.txt and the C-119 user manual.pdf files. Thank you everyone. By Michel Verheughe.

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