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FSX Thunderbird 4 V1

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FSX Thunderbird 4 V1. Thunderbird 4 is International Rescue's go-to vehicle for underwater rescue - a yellow mini-submarine, piloted by aquanaut Gordon Tracy. Unlike Thunderbirds 1, 2 and 3 - all of which are capable of travelling to danger zones under their own power - TB4 fits comfortably within its own specialized pod - Pod 4 - aboard Thunderbird 2, which then transports it to where it is needed. Sometimes TB4 must utilize other means, to get from place to place - in a different pod (eg Pod 6, in Attack of the Alligators!); via direct launching, from Tracy Island's runway; or via assistance from other transportation - notably by the World Navy's USN Sentinel (Terror in New York City), after TB2 had been incapacitated and needed to undergo a complete rebuild. TB4 is equipped with a versatile arsenal of sophisticated gadgetry - including a missile launcher, a searchlight, a battering ram and a laser, all of which are located in the nose of the sub. It is capable of travelling on surface water (hover mode) or underwater. Its small interior is equipped with an airlock for access and exit while underwater.This addon package is designed for FSX Steam Edition, it may work in FS2004, Normal FSX at your own risk. This aircraft is a working prototype, a further release (V2) of Thunderbirds 3, 4, and 5 should be expected in the future, this package is currently the first release, my very first attempt at creating my own aircraft. This aircraft acts like a boat, if it is throttled down correctly, however it can actually take off, only after it reaching over 65-75 knots. So, if you either want a canon Thunderbird 4, or a flying one, it's up to you! This means it may be difficult to control and pilot. So you can expect a proper physical workout and mental exersise! All credits and copyrights go to their respective companies, eg Thunderbirds , Supermarination, Gerry Anderson, AP Films, ITV Studios, Associated Television (ATV), Arthur Provis and Robert Leigh, etc. This aircaft package should have, working radios, flaps, spoilers, ATC, and Speed control etc, to a certain degree, I have checked through most of the technicalities and they all appear to be working to some extent. By Edward Powell.

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