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FSX Scenery--Kingscote Kangaroo Island Fire Area

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FSX Scenery--Kingscote Kangaroo Island Fire Area. The worst bush fires in the history of Australia. Dedication: Kingscote Kangaroo Island South Australia. This scenery is dedicated to all the volunteer fire fighters the ADF the US Firefighters and other world wide help, the celebrities, Pink, James Packer and the list goes on and the residents on Kangaroo Island South Australia and all the other helpers in the affected areas throughout Australia. The sad loss of life, the properties, the towns completely destroyed and all the enormous animal life lost during these disastrous fires that swept and are still sweeping through properties and towns throughout Australia. These are the worst bush fires on record in Australia; 100,000 evacuees, so far over 1588 houses lost, half a million wildlife destroyed, and countless infrastructure. Thank to all those people and organisations for your heroic assistance and help. Donations would be appreciated to help build back the lives of all who have lost all, donations can be made through https://www.redcross.org.au/ By Roger Leupold.

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