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FS2004 Scenery--Monument Valley UT25 and Oljato 05UT

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FS2004 Scenery--Monument Valley UT25 and Oljato 05UT, in Utah (UT) USA. Monument Valley is an impressive sight in south Utah but not, unfortunately, in FS2004. Unless you invest in a detailed terrain mesh there are no stacks of rocks reaching for the sky and the lasting overall impression is just of a desert. But I had already downloaded land textures so I ended up making the Monument Valley UT25 airfield and the nearby Oljato 05UT, which has no buildings of any sort. Maybe I was bored. There is a lodge close to the field with dozens of cabins, but I had insufficient information so this is for the airfield only. The 4,000 feet of new tarmac is aligned 16-34 and is single ended with a large chunk of rock at the southern end; 16 is only used for landing and 34 is only for take off. The runway is not lit. Do not be surprised when you ask to select a runway for take off and FS2004 only gives you 16 as a choice, even though you know this is the wrong one. When you accept it FS2004 will quickly switch it to 34; apart from a possible sense of humor I have no idea why it does this. Nothing much to say about Oljato. A note here about my scenery making. There will not be many more to follow this (unless you count 4 as many) as I am almost at the end of the photos I either took or found for scenery purposes, plus I expect to move on from FS2004 at some point during next year. By Roger Wensley.


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