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FSX HMS Bounty And HMS Victory FSX Native AI Ships

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FSX HMS Bounty And HMS Victory FSX Native AI Ships. The AI Bounty and AI Victory ships will: stow sails when stopped/docked/mooring; show/stow anchors as conditions require; animate main sails and yard arms and in-line stays/jibs/spankers to agree with wind direction/flag at least to the +-50 degree port/starboard stops. The Victory will show studsails when conditions are right (running ahead of the wind and yard arms +-10 degrees). Since AI movement is not actual wind or propelled movements, when wind is coming from the front of the ships or in the Dead Zone, yard arms will remain in a maximum port or starboard position. This has no effect on forward speeds. These ships can be set up with AI routes, or in AICarriers as formations. Using the AI versions allow anchors, sails, and sail positioning with the wind direction. Do NOT use the regular sailable versions for AI as these functions will not work. By Milton Shupe, Rob Barendregt, Nigel Richards.

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