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FS2004 Scenery--Bluff Park Farm

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FS2004 Scenery--Bluff Park Farm plus Wasilla Creek Airpark etc. repost, Alaska (AK), USA. This is a re-post from 50 years ago because a recent downloader informed me that Memory Lake did not have its textures. The remainder of the text below is as per the original. Bluff Park Farm 71AK is on the northern side of Knik Arm, opposite to Birchwood on the southern side. Wasilla Creek Airpark 05AK is just under 5 miles northeast of Wolf Lake. Memory Lake 5AK8 is 3 miles north of the town of Wasilla. The others, which are all in with the Wasilla Creek Airpark scenery, are scattered around and are mostly included in this list because of FS2004 to UT altitude anomalies including being buried in a hole in the ground. Sometimes I have added a hangar that they have, but where there are no buildings I have just made the elevation adjustments so that there was not a ridiculous situation visible. The video shows the area to the west of Palmer, where these fields are located. By Roger Wensley.


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My textures are all showing. This was only a problem with the original upload.

But I have elevation problems. Any one else?

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