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FS2004 Scenery--Anaktuvuk Pass PAKP

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FS2004 Scenery--Anaktuvuk Pass PAKP, in Alaska (AK), USA. Anaktuvuk Pass is a village located 85 miles north of Bettles and just north of the Brooks Range, in a valley that is a route between north and south. The inhabitants are mainly Numamiut, a section of the Inupiat that existed in history (and until today) away from the coastal food supply of fish etc. The current population is around 350. The airport has one gravel runway, aligned 1-19 with PAPI at both ends, and 5,500 feet long as there is no connection to the outside world other than the runway for all necessities that are not available on the tundra. There are two aprons, with light planes and passengers at the northern end of the runway and the Everts cargo flights unloading at the mid runway apron. The close and steep valley sides will prevent you seeing any AI landings as planes will have encountered rocks before reaching the runway. A note here about my scenery making. There will not be many more to follow this as I am almost at the end of the photos I either took or found for scenery purposes, plus I expect to move on from FS2004 at some point during next year. By Roger Wensley.


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