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FSX Scenery--Colorado Airports

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FSX Scenery--Colorado Airports, CO, USA. Scenery of Colorado airports - KASE, KCOS, KDEN, KGJT, KHDN and KMTJ. FSX scenery reworked gates and assignment as well as runway fixes for these airports. You will need FSX_LIGHTS.ZIP as well as JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete this scenery. By Rick Bennett.

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When I set up new scenery, I create a folder with the ICAO code and i insert the scenery and texture files and then I add the folder to the library. As an example I have a folder titled "KBHM, Birmingham, Al." Inside that folder i have a file called "scenery" and inside that folder I have "KBHM_CVX.bgl." In these corrections you say to add the new files to Addon Scenery. Can I just do that and it will place the files correctly or do I have to separate the files for KBHM and add them to the scenery file? Ideas? Thanks for your consideration.
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In my experiences, the less amount of folders that have to be used, the better the performance of FS. Personally, I have never tried the way you are asking. If it works, let me know. Always open to any better ideas. Thank you for DL the scenery



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