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X-Plane 10 Scenery--BIHU Husavik Airport Iceland 1.0

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X-Plane 10 Scenery--BIHU Husavik Airport Iceland 1.0. Husavik Airport Iceland is a single-runway domestic airport, located 10 km south of the town of Husavík on the north coast of Iceland. The airport was opened in 1957 and has been served by Icelandair, Norlandair, Air Iceland, Myflug Air and most recently by Eale Air. A new terminal building was opened at the airport in 1986. The airport is located by the Diamonc Circle, a ring road of natural wonders in north Iceland, including Lake Myvatn, Dettifoss Waterfall and Asbyrgi Canyon. Requires the following libraries (please keep up to date): 3D People Library (3D_PEOPLE_LIBRARY.ZIP), BS2001 Object Library (BS2001_OPEN_ME.ZIP), CDB library (CDB_LIBRARY.ZIP), The-Fruit-Stand Aircraft Library (THE_FRUIT_STAND_AIRCRAFT_LIBRARY.ZIP), Ground Textures Library (GT_LIBRARY.ZIP), The Handy Object Library (THE_HANDY_OBJECTS_LIBRARY.ZIP), FF Library (extended version) (FF_LIBRARY_EXTENDED_LOD.ZIP), Flags of the World (FLAGS_OF_THE_WORLD.ZIP), MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP), World Model Library (WORLD2XPLANE.ZIP), OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP), R2 Library (R2_LIBRARY.ZIP), RE Library (RE_LIBRARY.ZIP) and RuScenery (RUSCENERY.ZIP). If you enjoy the author's work, please consider donating (link contained in the included Readme file). Donations are 100% optional, but greatly appreciated and encourage the author to create additional sceneries. By TDG.

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