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Prepar3D -- FSX Planes With New Lights For P3D

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Prepar3D -- FSX Planes With New Lights For P3D. Multiple FSX planes, DH Dash8 100, Airbus A321, B747-400, Beech Baron 58, Beech King Air 350, Lear45, Mooney Bravo and the P3D Bombardier CRJ 700 made flyable. I have modified the models for all of these aircraft with improved landing/taxi lights for use under Prepar3D which illuminate the ground in front of you so you can see where you are going. Most of the planes now have separate taxi/landing lights controlled by the taxi/landing lights switch. I have also added a logo light to most. For the 747-400 you should update you interior virtual cockpit model with the one from FSND. I have included a text file with each plane explaining how to install. By James Daniels.

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