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Prepar3D v3 Scenery--Two WWII Like German Airbases

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About This File

Prepar3D v3 Scenery--Two WWII Like German Airbases. P3D V3 (only) sceneries with two WWII like airbases. Since there are hardly to find any WWII sceneries for German aircraft I have built two fictional and non historical airbases placed on default German airports. I made them just using units of my other sceneries and my proposal was to have a base for my German warbirds. I had no intension to create any historical site! One big airbase is at Rammstein (Airport ID=ETAR) and a small airbase is placed at Bentlage/Army (Airport ID=ETHE). Don't install it if you have addons at these airports! My sceneries provides bunker hangars with Focke Wulf Ta-154 Moskitos, barracks, a military university, an old castle and around Bentlage you will find even an eight km long railroad with a cargo train. The files are proposed for the default AddonScenery-Scenery/Texture folders and they are self activating. So just copy and paste it into the correct folders and start your P3d. You will find it with the airpord IDs. Sceneries by Erwin Welker.

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