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FS2004/FSX/P3D Saturn Airways L100-30 1977

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About This File

FS2004/FSX/P3D Saturn Airways L100-30 1977. This is a Lockheed L100-30 in the colors of Saturn Airways. This is an AI aircraft made flyable for FSX. It is the complete aircraft. Be aware of the fact that it is an AI aircraft, and operates within its limitations. I have replaced the AI .cfg and .air file with modified versions for FSX. I used the fabulous L100-30 by Henry Tomkiewicz of HTAI. The panel is a C-130 panel by Luca De Battista. Sounds are included, and are from the Ferry Sab Project. This aircraft was tested on FSX-SE. It should also work on FSX and FS2004. It may also work on P3Dv1-3, though it wasn't tested on that platform. By Ted Giana.

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