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FSX/Accel/P3D v4 Blohm & Voss BV-238

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FSX/Accel/P3D v4 Blohm & Voss BV-238 giant flying boat. This huge aircraft made its first flight in April 1944 and was rather a flying ship than a boat, bigger than the BV-222, and was the heaviest aircraft of WWII. The Spruce Goose with eight engines was even much bigger but she was built at the end of the war and never did a real flight except a test taxiing with a short moment of being airborne. Only one BV-238 performed successful flights, the two other prototypes were never completed. The FS model shows the heavy armed planned long range bomber version, which was never completed. It comes with two paint schemes, 2D panel and a complete virtual cockpit. And there are plenty of animations: two extendable floats, 20 bomb bay hatches, 20 falling bombs, 18 moving guns and a supply boat. Twelve cameras showes you all the details. FSDS 3.5 model by Erwin Welker.


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