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FSX Croatian Air Force 131

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FSX Croatian Air Force 131 livery for Ivan Jurcaga's MiG 21 v1. This livery is one of the few aircraft that is still operational in the Croatian Air Force. The version of this livery is not perfect, as you will see once opened the flight simulator with the livery for the first time. The "coat of arms" (as far as the translater says, in Croatian we say "grb") on the right side is rotated horizontally, as I thought that the paint kit is similar to the one for PMDG's aircraft. All I wanted is for this livery to come alive to the flight community as there isn't this kind of livery available anywhere, so that's why nothing is perfect as the real deal. Also, you will notice the acronymes, or should I say the little sentences scattered around the frame aren't written in Croatian, but instead the Czech ones that come with the paint kit. And as well, the checkered patternes aren't on the wings, but all of the imperfections will be improved in the v2. By Filipe Perhat.

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