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FSX Scenery--US Air Force Academy

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FSX Scenery--US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO (KAFF), USA. This airport file adds parking to what was a barren airport. In total there are 12 combat parking spaces, one combat cargo space, five medium size GA parking spaces, and six small GA parking spaces. There are no new objects except a couple new default buildings and three windsocks. I have moved the tower to where it is approximately in real life based on satellite imagery. I have also added four grass strips that are closed to traffic to mimic the glider runways. I have closed runway 8/26 due to 8/26 not being within a close enough hold short point preventing AI from taking off, and the runway is only 2,100 feet long. If you have a previous version of KAFF installed, this file WILL replace it. So note that if you have this airport upgraded this file may not be for you. Made with ADE. This file is Public Domain. By Aaron Vormestrand.

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