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FS2004/FSX/Accel/P3D v3 Sukhoi-57 T50 Fifth Generation Fighter

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FS2004/FSX/Accel/P3D v3 Sukhoi-57 T50 Fifth Generation Fighter. This superiority fighter made its first flight in 2010 and will enter service in 2019 and will replace the Su-27. This fighter allows supercruising with Mach 1, has advanced avionics and the maneuverability seems to exceed all physical limits but the stealth abilities are allready obsolete. The FS-model comes with two models, has two or four animated missiles, swinging brake chutes and an almost photorealistic 2D panal and a fully matching VC. Thirteen cameras with two wingman views showes you all the beauty, the details and animations. FSDS 3.5 model by Erwin Welker.


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