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FS2004 Scenery--Edson CYET

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FS2004 Scenery--Edson CYET in Alberta, Canada. Edson is 120 miles west of Edmonton in Alberta, on Highway 16. It was originally named Heatherwood but that was changed to honour the vice president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway when it was made the local railway centre. It thrived, and when Highway 16 was upgraded it thrived even more. Coal mining and industry connected with timber are the main employers of a population of around 8,500. The airport is at the western edge of the town at 3,041 feet asl, with a single lit runway 6,000 feet long and 100 feet wide aligned 07-25, with displaced thresholds and VASI at each end. The two joined aprons are at the eastern end of the airfield, with fire fighting chemical tanks beside the western one which is reserved in the summer months for the Lockheed Electra Air Spray planes; these are included in the AI. The eastern apron is for visiting charters and GA planes, next to a small terminal building. There is further parking on the grass for resident planes next to a large gravel car parking area and clubhouse. As the Air Spray planes would not be fighting fires in the winter there are in fact two editions of the AI, one for the summer fire fighting season and the other for the winter freeze. Use whichever one is appropriate for your flight time; I never strayed far from Ottawa in the winter so for me it is the summer one only. While making this I came across something new in the shape of some incorrectly installed edge lights that refused to be deleted. There is still an "Edson TOP" folder which would normally be used to delete all unwanted taxiway edge lights, but in this case it deletes only some of them. Apologies, but there is nothing more that I can do and so I suggest you use this in daylight only. By Roger Wensley.


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