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X-Plane 11.25+ US Space Force Celestial Eagle II (Fictional)

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X-Plane 11.25+ US Space Force Celestial Eagle II (Fictional). This is a fictional vehicle for the US Space Force, built by Lockheed AeroSpace SkunkWorks. It will be their first single stage Earth to orbit aircraft with armament. Specifications of the crew pod: pilot and navigator, plus a weapons officer. There is also space in the cabin for a rescue mission to the International Space station if needed. The deck has 2 levels and space for 12 astronauts. The crew pod can also be separated at any point just aft of the nose wheel doors. This allows for a separate escape pod with parachutes in case of emergency landings. The included documentation is 4 pages long and has both history and specifications listed. By Billy Bargagliotti.

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