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FSX/FSX-SE Scenery--Army Airfields USA

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About This File

FSX/FSX-SE Scenery--Army Airfields USA. Enclosed is ten BGL files for army airfields located in various parts of the USA. KFCS Fort Carson, CO. KFLV Fort Leavenworth, KS. KFRI Fort Riley, KS. KFSI Fort Still, OK. KFTK Fort Knox, KY. KHLN Fort Hood, TX. KHOP Fort Campbell, KY. KGRF Fort Lewis, WA. KTBN Fort Leonard Wood, MO. PAFB Fort Wainwright, AK. Screen shots of each airfield and readme file enclosed. Some of these airport I done more work on both on the airport and off airport but my main object was to get parking at all these airports being the default files normally had no parking for aircraft at these army fields. By Dick Mohatt.

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