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FS2004 Scenery--Terrace CYXT Updated

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FS2004 Scenery--Terrace CYXT Updated. This revises the previous versions of CYXT. It adds two missing buildings, corrects the apron markings and parking and adds a third gate, creates more GA parking, and updates the AI to include, for instance, a Westjet flight, and also adds the missing ILS to runway 33. It is complete in itself and can be installed as-is without first installing previous versions. Terrace is fifteen miles east and inland from Prince Rupert, which is 500 miles north of Vancouver up the BC coast. It is at the point in the mountains where two fjords meet, one coming from Prince Rupert and the other from Kitimat. The population of the town of Terrace is around 12,500. The airport is called Terrace-Kitimat and is a couple of miles south of the town of Terrace, on the south side of the Skeena River. There are two runways, and the main one is a recently-extended 7,500 feet long and lit 33-15 with approach lighting to both ends and an ILS on 33. The second is 5,373 feet of unlit 03-21. The apron has been enlarged to be able to accommodate a Boeing 737, though there is at the moment no airline using a 737 for flights to Terrace. The pics and the video show the surrounding hilly terrain and the nearby river between the airport and the town. By Roger Wensley.


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