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FS2004 Scenery--Trail CAD4

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FS2004 Scenery--Trail CAD4 in British Columbia, Canada. Trail is in the valley carved out by the Columbia River, around 7 miles north of the Canada-US border and on both banks of the river. The town has a population of just under 8,000 and the main industry is mining. The airport is around 3 miles south-east of the town and on the east bank, with the runway parallel to the river and aligned 16-34, 75 feet wide and asphalt. There are currently no runway or taxiway lights, though there is an improvement program in place to cope with increasing passenger demand. A new terminal building was recently completed, along with much-needed alterations to road access and parking; as I have no information regarding these I left the original "terminal" building in place and in use by Pacific Coastal, the only airline to fly to Trail. The video gives a very good idea of the very basic facilities, and of the surrounding hilly terrain which is similar to that at Bella Cooola at the far side of Pacific Coastal's coverage area. The ai does not include Pacific Coastal flights as I have downloaded and installed ai for all Pacific Coastal's flights; I suggest you do the same. By Roger Wensley.


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