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FS2004 Scenery--Nimpo Lake CF04 And CF51

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FS2004 Scenery--Nimpo Lake CF04 And CF51 in British Columbia, Canada. Nimpo Lake is less than 10 miles south of Anahim Lake, and is a centre for fishing lodges and other "nature" activities such as hiking and hunting etc. As a result there is considerable float plane activity on the lake as clients are flown in, or out, to other lakes that are nearby, or just on sightseeing jaunts. This one, CF04, is the last of a trio of Nimpo Lake float bases, and is at the far end of the lake from the other two. It is for Nimpo Lake Resort, a lodge and cottages to accommodate anglers and hikers etc. To the south of the lake, and included here, is what I have called Nimpo Lake Land CF51. It cannot by any stretch of imagination be called an airfield, but it is a cleared area and it has been used by wheeled planes. There is no runway as such and it is somewhat bumpy. The AI and the Beavers were included in the posting of CAF8. By Roger Wensley.


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