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X-Plane 11 Scenery--SULS Capitan de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbelo In

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--SULS Capitan de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbelo Int'l 1.0. Aeropuerto Internacional C/C Carlos A. Curbelo de Laguna del Sauce, formerly (and still popularly) called Laguna del Sauce International Airport, is the airport serving Punta del Este, Uruguay, located in the adjoining municipality of Maldonado. The main runway is 7000 feet (2133 m) long and is designed for aircraft up to the size and weight of a Boeing 747-400. There is also a shorter secondary runway. The airport is both civil and military. Requires the following object library: AR_Library (AR_LIBRARY_XP.ZIP). By Otavio Bonomi.

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