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X-Plane 11 General Dynamics F-111A Aardvark 1.0.1

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X-Plane 11 General Dynamics F-111A Aardvark 1.0.1. This is Jacques Brault's F-111 A, converted for X-Plane 11. The author has replaced the gun with the default X-Plane M61A1. The General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark was a supersonic, medium-range interdictor and tactical attack aircraft that also filled the roles of strategic nuclear bomber, aerial reconnaissance, and electronic-warfare aircraft in its various versions. X-Plane 11 is configured by default for 3D cockpit view, so to use this aircraft you must choose to do one of two things: After loading the aircraft, select 'Option-w' on MacOS for 2D or 'Alt-w' on WinOS for the 2D instrument panel. Thank you to Jacques Brault for creating this aircraft for X-Plane. Version 1.01 adds animation to the horizontal stabilizer. By Sean McLeod (Aerostarsim).

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