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FSX/Prepar3D Ermolaev ER-2

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FSX/Prepar3D Ermolaev ER-2 The ER2 (sometimes called Yer-2 or Jer-2) went into production in late 1940. It was one of the very few diesel powered aircraft. A total of approximately 360 examples were built. The Er-2 was popular in service with its crews, and participated in many heroic encounters. Er-2s played a key role in the Defense of Moscow, took part in the bombing of Berlin, and conducted very long duration patrols over the Baltic coastline, almost always without escort. Examples of both major versions were still in service in 1945 with several Regiments, and production of the type continued after the War with the Er-2ON transport. FSX/P3D v3/v4 model by A.F. Scrub.

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