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X-Plane 11 CNA3 Springwater (Barrie Airpark) Aerodrome 1.0

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X-Plane 11 CNA3 Springwater (Barrie Airpark) Aerodrome 1.0. Springwater (Barrie Airpark) Aerodrome, is located adjacent to Springwater, Ontario, Canada. Springwater Airpark is a modest airfield that caters for small General Aviation aircraft. There are some tired looking structures and hangars, and the impression the author got from the satellite pictures and street views was of an airfield that has seen better days, but one that is still functional and popular with small aircraft operators in the area. CNA3 is at an elevation of 963 ft / 294 m with a single asphalt runway, 07/25. The runway is only 2,100 ft (640 m) so leave your Boeing 737 in the hangar. This is a lego-brick scenery and uses the megabytes of art assets already included in your installation of X-Plane. It will compare favorably, at times better, to other (much larger sized) sceneries of this area and will probably exceed your expectations. Please see the included documentation for further details. By Charles Macelli.

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