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FSX/P3D Linair Douglas DC-3

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About This File

FSX/P3D Linair Douglas DC-3. This is a repaint of the DC3 in Linair colors. The freeware DC-3/C-47 v3 by Manfred Jahn is needed for this repaint. Linair was a charter company formed in 1962 by Sabena and oil companies to provide passenger and cargo charters. Sabena provided the aircraft, DC-3s, and technical support. Hence the similarity in livery between the airlines. Sabena consequently turned over its interest to Belgian International Air Services, in July 1965. Their fleet of DC-3s did the heavy work until they added an F-27 in 1969. In January 1975, Libyan Arab Airlines was given exclusive authority to operate in the country, thus forcing Linair out of business. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-v3. By Ted Giana.

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