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FA-18C FSXBA PaintKit Full (C)

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About This File

FA-18C FSXBA PaintKit Full ©. You will need all of three files/parts to unpack and use. This is a paint-kit for the new FSXBA Hornet. I have remodeled it from the original texture for my own use so is have some personal annotation. This paint kit have two versions I have used to paint in some different layouts that was easiest to use splitting in two to economizing PC system. It great stuff and is 100% freeware, of course will be grateful if you add the author name in your publications. This paint kit has made with corel PHOTO-PAINT and after saving the the files in .psd some layers effect maybe has back to default and you will have to work that effect transparences or other effects. By Hani Michal.

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