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FS2004 Scenery--Bar River CPF2 In Ontario, Canada Update

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FS2004 Scenery--Bar River CPF2 In Ontario, Canada Update. This is an update for Bar River, the missing textures for a parked Norseman. There would have been an error message when you ran the scenery, but this was reported to me by only one down-loader. As I have previously stated, there is no way for me to easily check that I have included everything needed, and I (and other designers) rely on end-user participation for information when I have erred from the straight and narrow. A response rate of less than 1% is way short of "participation". By Roger Wensley.

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Hi Roger,

I really like your sceneries and have always regarded those who make, rather than those who merely fly about and crash into your buildings or land in the scrub beside the runway, as the truly important actors on the MSFS stage; yourselves and the plane guys, oh, and the panel people of course. All the background bods who make this come alive.

Please continue your wonderful work. Thank you.


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