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X-Plane 10 And 11 CFX6 Vulcan Airport 1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 10 And 11 CFX6 Vulcan Airport 1.0. Vulcan Airport, is located immediately west of Vulcan, Alberta, Canada. The airport served (until 2015) as the base for the Southern Alberta Gliding Center, a part of the Air Cadet Gliding Program. This X-Plane rendition features: fully custom buildings, custom asphalt, both winter and summer textures, WT3 routes and an enhancement of the default "town scenery". Requires the latest versions of the following libraries: MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP) and OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP). Tested in X-Plane 10.51. By Canada4XPlane.

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