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FS2004/FSX/Acceleration/P3D V3 Package--Lotus Esprit 007

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FS2004/FSX/Acceleration/P3D V3 Package--Lotus Esprit 007 And Turbo. Roger Moore's 007 Bond Lotus Esprit is based on the 1976 model and it became famous after the movie "The Spy Who Loved Me". The model with spoilers is from 1981. The package contains four models: A) Bond's streetcar with a rocket launcher - B) Same model but persued by a Bell Jetranger helicopter - C) Bond's transformer version which converts under water from a car to a submarine. The underwater surrounding is included, you do not need any special scenery, and it works in all four simulators. This version is hardly for driving or sailing - it is just for fun and comes with incredible animations! You will see dolphins and you can attack a mini submarine of the enemies. D) This is the tuned turbo version. All models comes with photorealistic 2D panels and equal VCs. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels are made by Erwin Welker. The special gauges and lights are made by Pierre J. Carosin.


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