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X-Plane 10 And 11 Scenery--Liverpool VFR 1.0

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X-Plane 10 And 11 Scenery--Liverpool VFR 1.0 UK. Liverpool is a maritime city in northwest England, where the River Mersey meets the Irish Sea. A key trade and migration port from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, it's also, famously, the hometown of The Beatles. This scenery uses SketchUp 3DWarehouse models, converted for X-Plane. A big thank you to Oscar Pilote who wrote the python script that somewhat automated the process of creating this scenery. The photographic scenery textures seen in the screenshots are not included. These can be freely obtained by using either G2XPL or Oscar Pilot's Ortho4XP. To install, simply download, unzip and place the folder into your X-Plane Custom Scenery directory. By Gary Rumpler.

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